QGIS plugins for meshing geophysical domains.
View the project on GitHub: QGIS-Meshing
Release | |
Development |
This project contains four plugins for the generation of surface meshes in QGIS:
For anyone who would like to experiment with the plugins, please download the qgis-plugins-meshing Ubuntu package which is available in the following PPA:
(which depends on packages in ppa:ubuntugis/ppa)
Commands required:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:meshing/release
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qgis-plugins-meshing
If the final command fails, please download the package manually from
and install with
sudo dpkg -i qgis-plugins-meshing_1.9_all.deb
(there is a fix for Precise, which is currently being processed by Launchpad)
Clone the GitHub repository and use the following:
make install
This will install the plugins for all users (and requires superpowers). For a single-user install, use the following:
make installlocal
Further information on the dependencies can be found in the manual at: http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/~asc/public/meshing_manual.pdf
Test the plugins with the following command executed in the root folder of the repository
make test
A buildbot has been setup to continuously tests new commits, see QGIS-Meshing buildbot.
Contributions to the plugins are very welcome. Get involved!
Development follows the model described at nvie.com/git-model, with the main development branch named 'dev' and tested development branches prefixed with 'dev-'.
The changes will be tested by a buildbot in a sterile environment to check tests pass and code integrity in maintained. With a green light, the changes will be merged in. Thanks!
Milestones for the project can be viewed at Milestones.
Current development focus is on a test engine to ensure the plugins are robust.
Issues and bugs found with the project can be viewed and edited at Issues.
The plugins are written in Python, each being a Python package. A guide to developing Python plugins for QGIS is available here. The PyQGIS Developer Cookbook is also a useful resource.
The plugin developers can be contacted via the maintainer Adam Candy, GitHub user adamcandy.
The QGIS-Meshing plugins free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 of the License.
Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Imperial College London and others. See the AUTHORS file in the main source directory for a full list of copyright holders.